21 september 2011

OPI Pepe's purple passion

Okey, I knew it would come. A polish that I don't like from OPIs The Muppets collection. It didn't attract me so much in the bottle and I must say that is not so much fun on the nails. I am talking about Pepe's purple passion.

This is a burgundy red polish with glassflecks in pink, purple and gold. You can see the glassflecks well in the bottle, but on the nail they are not so visible and the polish becomes kind of flat and boring.

The fomula is also thick and it is hard to get an even result. You can see that on the photo, it doesn't look good around the cuticles. Two layers are enough to get opacity though.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Fast du är en jäkel på att måla snyggt dock! Man skulle inte kunna tänka sig att du lägger till en sökbar etikett för färg så att jag enkelt kan hitta dina bästa inom säg färgen beige när jag ska ut och shoppa nytt? Hälsn Kristina

  2. Nails by Catharinaonsdag, 21 september, 2011

    Livet runt 30...5: Tackar! Efter att ha målat naglarna i typ 22 borde jag lärt mig. :)
    Och jag ska börja lägga till färgetikett.

  3. Thanks for the info! I was so looking forward to this polish! It seems promising in the bottle but I haven't seen it in person yet.

  4. Tack! Det vet jag vem jag ska konsulta innan jag ger mig ut på nagellacksjakt nästa gång.

  5. Greeneyespinknails: You are welcome. Unfortunately it wasn't much fun.
